The Best Fiber Supplement for Bodybuilding and Muscle Gain

Anthony's Organic Acacia Senegal Powder, 1 lb, Batch Tested Gluten Free, Non GMO, Soluble Fiber, Prebiotic

Why dietary fiber is important

Getting enough soluble and insoluble fiber is important for your overall health and most people on Western diets don't get nearly enough.

Insoluble fiber doesn't digest so it adds bulk to the digestive waste, helping you be more regular.

Soluble fiber gels inside your stomach, slowing food digestion, and binding to sugar and cholesterol so your body absorbs less of it. This is how it helps to stabilize blood glucose and lower cholesterol.

When good gut bacteria breakdown soluble fiber, two of the main compounds they produce are butyrate and. These short-chain fatty acids have a range of beneficial effects such as anti-inflammatory effects, better energy utilization, improved colon health, and improve immune function.

How soluble fiber helps bodybuilding and muscle gain

The dreaded "protein squirts".

If you've ever experienced that rush to the bathroom after a protein shake, you know what the "protein squirts" are. Depending on the type of protein you're using in your shakes, how much you're consuming, and what else you've eaten recently (if anything), a stomach full of protein powder can cause your digestive system to freak out a bit.

If you're adding sources of fats to your shakes such as MCT oil, coconut oil, or various nut butters, this can make matters even worse.

This is where adding a soluble fiber supplement comes in.

Soluble fiber will help to slow the digestion of your protein supplements, increasing protein absorption, and reduce or eliminate diarrhea.

Fiber for muscle growth

By slowing down your digestion of carbs, fiber will make more glycogen available to your muscles during workouts without having to consume extra simple carbs.

Fiber also makes you feel full, longer, which helps when cutting and in general to curb overeating.

If you don't have problems digesting your post workout protein shake, skip the fiber supplement. You want your post workout protein to digest quickly.

Our Top Pick

Anthony's Organic Acacia Senegal Powder - Organic Acacia Senegal

Acacia Senegal is the best all around soluble fiber supplement you can get and Anthony's Organic Acacia Senegal Powder is, based on price, quality, and product features, our top pick.

Anthony's is 100% organic Acacia Senegal fiber. It's tasteless, odorless, and colorless. It won't change the taste, smell, or thicken your shakes.

Personally, I've been using Anthony's Organic Acacia Senegal Powder daily for around three years now and it's made a huge difference in how my body handles my protein shakes. Before adding Anthony's fiber supplement to my shakes, I would often get an upset stomach after a protein shake. Not always, but too often for my liking.

I also wasn't able to properly digest certain types of protein powder. Pea, hemp, and brown rice protein powders would usually send me running for the bathroom before I started adding Anthony's Organic Acacia Senegal Powder to it and cow's milk whey sometimes would as well.

So unless you've got a diet high in a good variety of vegetables, you should really consider adding a soluble fiber supplement like Anthony's Organic Acacia Senegal Powder to your protein shakes.

How much should you use?

The makers of Anthony's Organic Acacia Senegal Powder suggest starring with 1/2 a teaspoon twice a day then gradually increasing that by another 1/2 teaspoon every 3-5 days.

For me I found I was able to get up to one flat tablespoon per protein shake within three days. Too much soluble fiber can upset your stomach so start with a smaller amount and increase slowly until you no longer have digestive issues with your shakes (up to 4-5 tablespoons per day).

Anthony's Organic Acacia Senegal Powder - Organic Acacia Senegal
$17.49 ($1.09 / Ounce) Amazon Prime Shipping is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, and we get a commission on purchases made through our links.
Disclaimer: This website is for informational purposes only. Check with your doctor before taking any supplements and always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site. These statements made in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.